Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Uploaded Developed Bridge Model on to Google Warehouse


Monday, June 14, 2010

Uploaded Dining Table, Elevators on to Google Warehouse

Dining Table:


Helen Keller's Elevator:


Miranda Kerr's Elevator:


Elevator controls

Helen Keller's Elevator:

K - to move the elevator up to the working space.
P - to move the elevator down to the meeting space.

Miranda Kerr's Elevator:

J - to move the elevator to the working space.
O- to move the elevator to the meeting space.

Uploaded Crysis Levels and Objects

Levels link


Objects link


5 Real Time Image Captures

The images above show the developed Crysis Wars Environment which consists of two spaces on the bridge that spans across the valley for the clients Helen Keller and Miranda Kerr, one meeting space which the two clients would meet up and the elevators. The images were taken during different period of time for example in the day time and the evening. Different colours of lighting were used in the working spaces and bridge to demonstrate the power of colours which generates a feeling of movement across the bridge that connects the clients.

4 Real Time Image Captures of Crysis Environment drafts

Dining Table

The image above shows the meeting space of the two clients, Helen Keller and Miranda Kerr which consists of the dining table and two elevators.

The images above display the dining table in the meeting space of the two clients.
The above image display one of the dining table design option draft.